Insights Move Us Forward

August 13, 2019
In recent weeks I have been reminded of a phenomena that occurs when we talk things through with one another. It is the idea of insight - the "light bulb" going on, or something "clicking". For some it may be learning something they've never heard before and it speaks into their dilemma or their pain. For others it is while talking through something that there is even a dramatic realization of the meaning of something. For one client, this occurrence totally opened up the significance of a recurrent nightmare. It could be a strategy that can be seen to work.

Sometimes the "light bulb" is for me and I suddenly get insight into what a client is trying to tell me!

When these things happen, change is almost sure to happen. People become motivated to change their behaviour. People are freed up from guilt, shame, lies, and resentment. People experience peace, motivation and freedom - even to face something difficult.

All this reminds me of the maxim, "the truth willl set you free". These truths are hard to find on our own effort. Even harder to find if we are isolated or, we find those around us are not getting what we are trying to say. That is one aspect of what counselling therapy is all about. It is providing a relationship where you will be heard. Many people tell me they need someone neutral to talk to because someone is not able to listen or they do not want to burden that person. I work to provide that place to talk freely. I rejoice with clients when the insights occur and the ensuing progress begins.
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